Childspace encourages educators to take time for wellbeing

The theme for the 2020 Childspace conference is “Wellbeing – Mana Atua”, a theme that encourages educators and others working in the broader early childhood education and care (ECEC) profession to delve into their own emotional health and wellbeing, coming to view it as the best investment that can be made for the personal and professional self.
In Maori, Manu Atua means to develop personal well being, a concept which encompasses the physical, mental and emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health. With 140 days until the Childspace conference begins, organisers are keen to spread the word to Australian ECEC professionals, and encourage them to take some time out to recharge, and to delve more deeply into understanding the importance of Mana Atua in working with children and families.
The New Zealand based conference offers a range of high calibre international speakers, including Dr Tamar Jacobson from the United States, Dr Thomas Nielsen from Denmark, Marc Battle from Canada, and Australian speakers Gabby Millgate and Sandi Phoenix.
Joining the international speakers are some prominent New Zealand ECEC professionals, including Pennie Brownlee, who curates the popular Facebook page Dance with me in the Heart, which shares daily quotes and provocations designed to inspire and encourage reflective conversation in those who live and work with babies and children.
Nathan Wallis, who has worked as an early childhood teacher, child therapist and neuroscience trainer will also be in attendance, having recently completed a range of speaking opportunities within Australia. Mr Wallis frequently appears on New Zealand national radio and television as a guest expert on parenting, teaching and understanding the brain development of children and young people.
In addition to professional development, and understanding how children and families may be best supported in the work of ECEC, the Childspace conference encourages ECEC professionals to explore their own Manu Atua, with workshop topics such as “Get your head around it, you are divine” and “Be – U – Ti – FULL” placing a focus on the role of each of us to believe in ourselves, personally and professionally, to bring the best of ourselves to our respective roles.
With flights to New Zealand being on par with interstate flights within Australia, why not consider a shift in professional development spend in 2020 to include this innovative Auckland based conference?
For more information about the Childspace conference, including pricing and full workshop program, please see here.

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