Provider News - The Sector
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2024 NSW Premier’s Early Childhood Education Scholarship winner Anitha Arul

Anitha Arul is the founding director of St Therese Preschool and Long Day Care in Sadlier, New South Wales.

2024-10-14 09:18:40

by Freya Lucas

Affinity’s earnest efforts towards a more sustainable future

Affinity Education Group has made a number of efforts to build sustainable thinking in children.

2024-10-14 09:15:33

by Freya Lucas

Victorian services with innovative staff retention ideas encouraged to apply for grants

Grants of up to $50,000 are on offer for eligible Victorian approved providers wanting to trial new and innovative approaches to support the retention of early childhood teachers (ECTs) and educators in the first five years of their career journeys.

2024-10-11 10:00:44

by Freya Lucas

Let’s Go Family Daycare supports East Grampians Health staff

Regional communities across the country face ongoing challenges in attracting and retaining allied health staff, in part because of the issues associated with obtaining early childhood education and care (ECEC) in hours which suit their varied hours.

2024-10-11 09:56:35

by Freya Lucas

ECEC Provider in Focus - CABOOSH

CABOOSH is an outside school hours care (OSHC) operation in New South Wales, which bills itself as ‘not just an OOSH; a community initiative dedicated to supporting families and nurturing future generations.’

2024-10-11 09:26:55

by Freya Lucas

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