Professional Learning Library
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Healing through voice, culture and Country
This foundation course focuses on Healing through voice, culture and Country: Stories from Community addressing family violence, a documentary that tells the living story of FDV. It showcases the work of film makers, dancers, musicians and artists from across Australia and the telling of their stories.
Emerging Minds
Why mindset matters: see the meaning in children’s behaviour
This workshop explores the question: How does the way we think about children, especially those who are behaving in ways we might find challenging, affect our ability to provide the nurturing relationships they need for true inclusion and emotional wellbeing? Participants will identify ways in which authentic and secure relationships with children help when things go wrong and identify responsive, positive strategies that support children’s self-regulation.
KU Children’s Services
Working with First Nations families and children – A framework for understanding
This course will assist you, as a non-Aboriginal practitioner, to develop the skills and understanding to build genuine partnerships with First Nations children, families and communities.
Emerging Minds
Learning Resilience - Affirm - Embed - Empower
Modules in this domain will provide educators with an in-depth understanding of SEL and why it's important for mental health and wellbeing. Further, they will provide educators with an understanding of how to intentionally teach SEL skills, and foster resilience in education settings.
Beyond Blue
Navigating Human Rights
REAIE has developed a series of four webinars which will explore in more detail, the ‘itineraries’ of human rights, subjectivities, democracy and participation.
Reggio Australia
Claire Warden Learning with Nature Online Learning Series
In order to work with nature, we need to re-awaken follow the examples of various custodians of the land around the world and learn the skills that they have maintained over time. There is a worldwide nature movement by embedding nature pedagogy into daily practice. It is not enough to just source bright ideas. As a profession, we need to build on a foundation of values.
ECA Learning Hub
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