Research News - The Sector
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Boy brains and girl brains? Scientists explore sex, gender, and distinct brain networks

In science, the term “biological sex” encompasses a variety of genetic, hormonal, and anatomical characteristics. People are typically assigned “male” or “female” as their sex at birth, although the medical establishment in recent years has begun to acknowledge that sex doesn’t always fall neatly into binary categories.

2024-07-26 00:26:47

by Freya Lucas

Anxiety is impacting children’s sleep, with 1 in 4 experiencing problems

One in four parents say their child/ren can’t sleep because of excessive worry or anxiety, prompting researchers to explore the bedtime habits which can either help or harm when it comes to sleep.

2024-07-26 00:25:45

by Freya Lucas

More SA students are opting to study ECEC, NCVER report shows

More South Australian tertiary students are choosing to study early childhood education and care (ECEC), along with other priority industries such as construction and electrotechnology, a new report from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) shows.

2024-07-26 00:19:39

by Freya Lucas

Researchers link problematic media use in toddlers with long term emotional issues

A new study has revealed concerning findings about problematic media use in young children, highlighting that children as young as two years of age can exhibit excessive and pathological media use, which is linked to long-term social and emotional problems.

2024-07-25 09:58:53

by Freya Lucas

Babies can grasp complex language earlier than once thought, researchers prove

According to researchers, babies are not only capable of creative thinking well before starting to speak, but this sort of thinking may be essential for language acquisition.

2024-07-24 09:23:35

by Freya Lucas

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