Young readers are relishing a wide range of books in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge
The Sector > Quality > Young readers are relishing a wide range of books in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge

Young readers are relishing a wide range of books in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge

by Freya Lucas

June 18, 2019

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) services around Victoria are leading the way in the 2019 Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, with almost 15,000 young children in nearly 300 Victorian ECEC services registered to take part this year.


The young readers join more than 250,000 older children at more than 900 Victorian schools who have taken up the challenge to read more books and open their eyes and imaginations to the world.


Challenge participants of all ages have already read a combined total of more than 670,000 books, with Wonder by R.J. Palacio as the favourite book so far,  followed closely by J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone coming in a close second.


This year’s Challenge has a focus on inclusion and accessibility, with alternative reading methods such as the use of audio books for children with a visual impairment, and books available in languages other than English, supporting students to read books in the language they speak at home.


Those working with, caring for, or parenting children from birth to pre-school age are being invited to share a child’s love of reading with the world, with the aim of motivating others to read widely with children before they start school, through a new Little Reader Photo Share Competition.


Victorian Minister for Education, James Merlino, thanked educators and parents for their support of the Challenge so far, saying that a love of reading is a crucial element in a child’s educational journey.


“Not only does it support literacy, but it also inspires curiosity, imagination and creativity” Mr Merlino said.


Since the Challenge began in 2005, more than 2.8 million children in Victoria have read and enjoyed over 48 million books.


More information about the Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge may be accessed here.

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