Corangamite Shire Council seeking input from families
The Sector > Policy > Corangamite Shire seeks help to plan for early years education and care

Corangamite Shire seeks help to plan for early years education and care

by Freya Lucas

January 02, 2024

Corangamite Shire Council is calling on families and other interested parties to help plan Council’s early years education and care for 2024-2034.


Coordinator Education and Care Eliza Ogden encouraged members of the community to take a 5-10 minute anonymous survey, the results of which will be used to help Corangamite Shire to prepare for the State Government’s ‘Best Life Best Start’ early childhood reforms.


“We would be grateful if you would share your views to help inform our planning for the next decade. The State Government’s reforms include free kindergarten for 3 and 4 year olds and transitioning 4 year old kindergarten to Pre Prep,” she said.


“By 2032 up to 30 hours of Pre Prep will be delivered each week.”


Corangamite Shire owns a number of facilities and is an early years manager.


“We currently offer maternal child health, family day care, childcare and kindergarten and manage a central registration and enrolment scheme for some kindergartens in our Shire,” Ms Ogden explained.


“We understand access to childcare is very limited in a number of locations across the country including Corangamite.


“It would be a great help if you could share your views to help inform our advocacy efforts, along with our planning.”


Submissions will be combined with other survey results to inform Corangamite Shire’s Family and Children’s Services Early Years 2024-2034 Plan. The survey is open now here and closes on Friday 26 January.


If you have questions about the survey, please contact the CCC Research and Evaluation Coordinator Abril Garcia Negron at [email protected] or on 9486 3455.

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