Examples News - The Sector
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Advice from the IEU about tackling teacher workload through clarifying compliance

The IEU has recently engaged with AITSL and ACECQA to develop fact sheets that clarify the policy intentions of the ATPDF and the Educational Program documentation needed to satisfy the requirements of the Assessment and Ratings process in ECEC settings.

2024-09-02 07:47:32

by Freya Lucas

Busy Bees gets creative to cut the number of nappies as parents delay toilet training

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) provider Busy Bees in the United Kingdom has introduced a support program for parents and families in a bid to help children with learning to use the toilet.

2024-08-27 08:39:05

by Freya Lucas

More evidence CCS fee caps not restraining fee increases as LDC enrolment growth creeps higher

The percentage of long day care services with hourly fees above the fee cap of $13.73 rose to 24 per cent in the December 2023 quarter, the highest level for the final quarter of the year recorded since the introduction of the Child Care Subsidy in July 2018.

2024-04-08 10:17:49

by Jason Roberts

Starting Blocks “large provider” information

Starting Blocks “large provider” information section now live but reporting remains patchy

The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has launched the new and improved Starting Blocks website which now includes a section dedicated for large providers detailing financial information and network size.

2024-04-08 10:14:52

by Jason Roberts

ECEC waitlists have negative flow-on effect for women’s economic security

Mothers returning to work following maternity leave are facing a significant lifestyle and financial dilemma - go back to work and pay exorbitant childcare fees or pause career to stay home.

2024-03-26 10:05:24

by Jason Roberts

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