Australia must invest in early learning reform to thrive by 2062

The release of the Australian Government’s latest Intergenerational Report for Australia demonstrates the urgent need for reform of the early learning system for the benefit of children, families and the economy, according to Minderoo Foundation’s Thrive by Five campaign and advocacy organisation The Parenthood.
For Jessica Rudd, CEO of The Parenthood, “the Intergenerational Report is a wake-up call. Our country needs new strategies and investments to cope with our ageing population and workforce shortfalls.”
“The Treasurer was right to liken the government’s vision of universal early learning to big hitting policy reform like Medicare and superannuation in the Productivity Commission Inquiry’s terms of reference,” she added.
“The Federal Government’s appetite for comprehensive reform of the early childhood education and care system over the next decade will set Australia up to cope with what the Intergenerational Report projects.”
The Intergenerational Report predicts a slow-growing and aging Australian population over the next 40 years, with a rise in demand for care and support services. It is also expected that Australians will remain healthier to an older age and have fewer children.
The report further forecasts what the next four decades will look like in Australia, predicting the population will grow to 40.5 million by 2062-63, with comparatively fewer children and a growth in the care economy, including early childhood education and care (ECEC).
Minderoo Foundation Director Jay Weatherill said the Intergenerational Report confirmed the need to equip the youngest Australians and future generations for the challenges and opportunities ahead, including the aging population, climate change and the rapid pace of technological change.
“While it’s hard to predict exactly what Australia in 2063 will look like, we know that communities who invest in making early learning more accessible, more affordable and higher quality will give children the best chance of making the most of their future,” Mr Weatherill said.
“With fewer workers to support retirees and dependent children, we need to plan and invest now for this new reality and reforming the early learning system is a key solution.”
“Early childhood education is the cornerstone for ensuring Australia increases prosperity and improves its standard of living by 2063. No child should be left behind, every child should be supported by the early learning system to achieve the best they can.”
Mr Weatherill also referenced 2023 NAPLAN performance, saying the results also highlight that a significant proportion of students across Australia are currently facing challenges when it comes to literacy and numeracy skills.
“These challenges are even more pressing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from remote parts of the country, particularly from rural and remote Northern Territory,” Mr Weatherill said.
“We know that access to high-quality early learning can help ensure that children start school ready to learn with skills necessary to thrive. Without that early learning, they may already be at a significant disadvantage by the time they reach NAPLAN testing age and it is very hard for them to catch up.”
“Universal, affordable and high-quality ECEC would help boost educational outcomes and take significant steps towards closing the gap.
“The shift to an aging population over coming decades means improving the skills of workers, supporting the workforce participation of parents of young children and growing the early educator workforce should be top of the agenda for our political leaders.”
“Universally accessible, high-quality early learning is critical national infrastructure and a legacy from our generation to the next, and from our political leaders to the leaders and citizens of tomorrow.”

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