$1.1 million Business Support Program will help CCCF supported services

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) services receiving funding through the Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) will have business support and advice to help them stay open thanks to the newly announced Business Support Program.
The $1.1 million Business Support Program will help CCCF supported services, including those in regional and remote areas and those with higher rates of First Nations children in care, by assisting them to become more financially viable and sustainable.
“We’re ensuring families can access quality early years education regardless of where they live in Australia,” said Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minister for Youth Dr Anne Aly.
“The Business Support Program is the latest in a range of targeted initiatives making it easier to operate early learning services in communities with a limited supply.”
Dr Aly hopes the program will enable services to make informed business decisions and implement fit-for-purpose business practices to improve their viability.
Business advisors will support early childhood education services by helping identify and provide advice on ways to transition to more sustainable business or service delivery models.
The $575 million CCCF program supports around 900 services across Australia, with around 60 per cent of this funding supporting services in regional and remote communities.
For more information on the CCCF visit: Community Child Care Fund – Department of Education, Australian Government