Welsh Government brings out anti-racism training for childcare
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Welsh Government rolls out anti-racist training for its early childhood educators

by Freya Lucas

May 16, 2023

Recognising the pivotal role that early childhood education and care (ECEC) professionals play in shaping children’s perspectives, the Welsh Government has announced that it will make new diversity and anti-racist professional learning (DARPL) available to all practitioners working with babies and young children providing childcare (sic.), play and nursery education.


The free high-quality resources and learning opportunities were announced by Welsh Deputy Minister for Social Services Julie Morgan, with the intention of supporting the commitment made by the Welsh Government to create an Anti-Racist Wales by 2030, which calls for zero tolerance of racism in all its guises.


Anti-racist professional learning for Childcare, Playwork and Early Years (CPEY) builds on the successful launch of comparable provision for those working in education settings in 2022, and may prove useful for those employed in an Australian ECEC context. 


This work has been funded by the Welsh Government, through continued investment in the DARPL Project to support partnership working with the Childcare Wales Learning and Working Mutually (CWLWM) service. 


“We want our early years, childcare and playwork workforces to understand and reflect all of the various communities in which our children live,” Ms Morgan said.


“This new diversity and anti-racist professional learning (DARPL) series will help to extend that understanding and enable every child to feel welcome.”


Access the materials and resources here.

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