New community-run ECEC services to be established to benefit remote families
Families in Australia’s most remote locations will benefit from the establishment of new community-run early childhood education and care (ECEC) services, Federal Minister for Early Childhood Education Dr Anne Aly announced yesterday, committing almost $30 million for four new services.
The services will be funded thanks to an expansion of the Government’s Community Child Care Fund Restricted Program, and aim to ensure that more First Nations children can access the transformational health and education benefits of ECEC while also being better prepared for their first years of school.
“All Australian children should be able to access quality ECEC regardless of where they live,” Dr Aly said.
The sites will be run by First Nations led organisations in the following locations:
- Julalikari Council Aboriginal Corporation in Tennant Creek, NT
- Puuya Foundation in Lockhart River, QLD
- Napranum Aboriginal Land Council in Napranum, QLD
- Wunan Foundation in Kununurra, WA.
The size of the four sites is expected to range from 20 to 50 First Nations children per site, jointly providing access to ECEC for up to 200 children per year.
“It’s important all of the sites are run by First Nations led organisations, putting culturally appropriate early learning and care at the heart of service delivery,” Minister Aly added, noting the Government’s commitment to working in partnership with First Nations people to Close the Gap and improve outcomes in early childhood education.
SNAICC has been engaged as the Community Partner for these new sites to support their establishment and the ongoing implementation of community-led and culturally safe early childhood education and care.
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