Getting Track on Time Program (GOT IT!) gets funding boost to help more children

A program which has been culturally adapted for Aboriginal communities in partnership with local Aboriginal health services and piloted over four years with positive results has received a $2.7 million funding boost to ensure even more young children, their families and educators are skilled in discussing and managing, challenging emotions and feelings.
The Getting On Track In Time program – or GOT IT! Works with children aged between three and nine years of age, and is led by Aboriginal and non Aboriginal mental health workers, teaching children to recognise, regulate and talk about any troubling thoughts and feelings they have.
“This program has united parents, teachers, mental health workers and Aboriginal people to achieve an important goal – to support young Aboriginal children to recognise, regulate and talk about any troubling thoughts and feelings they have,” Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor said.
“I am delighted that more families will benefit from this excellent program, which was developed by South Western Sydney Local Health District in collaboration with local Aboriginal people,” she added.
As well as supporting families, the program supports educators and families to address emotional or behavioural concerns in children and reduce the emergence of mental health concerns later in life.
“A strong connection to community and culture boosts resilience and helps children better manage the ups and downs of life. This helps to improve their engagement in class and lifts learning outcomes,” Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell said.
“We’re grateful for the wisdom and sharing of cultural knowledge from our colleagues in Aboriginal health services who helped upskill teachers and tailor this program to children in their early years of learning.”
Aboriginal GOT IT! team leader Jemma Milloy said the program resulted in significant improvements to child behaviour, social skills and confidence.
“When you combine cultural and clinical practices, families feel acknowledged and heard,” Ms Milloy said.
The $2.7 million investment over the next four years builds on an initial $2.7 million investment for the pilot of Aboriginal GOT IT!
More information about the program is available here.