Approved providers asked to have their say in NQF survey
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Approved providers asked to have their say in NQF survey

by Freya Lucas

June 10, 2022

The sixth NQF Approved Providers Perception Survey is now open, with the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) asking approved providers to share  their views, experiences and perceptions of the administrative requirements of the National Quality Framework (NQF).


ACECQA uses the survey to monitor and identify changes in the perception of administrative burden experienced by approved providers in relation to the NQF. 


Providers will be able to complete the confidential survey until Friday 8 July, with the results (subject to endorsement by governments) to be included in the next NQF Annual Performance Report.


Approved providers should have received a link to the survey via email. ACECQA has asked that only one person from each approved provider completes the survey.


Any approved provider who has not received a link should contact [email protected] for further information. 

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