Happy Hearts Childcare and Kindergarten Do it for Dolly and raise awareness of bullying

Happy Hearts Childcare and Kindergarten in Park Ridge, Queensland is taking a colourful stand against bullying with its Run4Fun Colour Explosion this Do It For Dolly Day, Friday May 13.
The service is one of many early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings around the country which are taking the opportunity to bring their community together, and spread a message of kindness while making a stand against bullying.
“Every year in May we see thousands of our wonderful community come together to commemorate Dolly, participate in fundraising activities to help support the important anti-bullying work we do and share the Dolly’s Dream message to be kind and speak even if your voice shakes, and we can’t wait to do it all again in 2022,” a Do It For Dolly spokesperson said.
Do It For Dolly Day is run by Dolly’s Dream, a foundation created by Kate and Tick Everett following the death of their 14 year old daughter Dolly, who lost her life to suicide after ongoing bullying. The goal of the foundation is to change the culture around bullying by addressing its impact, and the link between bullying and anxiety, depression and youth suicide.
Happy Hearts will mark the day with a colour run, which will see children running a race and being showered with colourful powder. Happy Hearts early childhood teacher, Brooke Modra, said after the impact of COVID-19, the message of kindness was more important than ever.
“Throughout the pandemic we have seen children and families isolated, and this in itself has affected the development of social skills”, she said.
“We are seeing a rise in children’s anxiety levels, lack of self-regulation and communication challenges, so being a part of a connected community is crucial.”
Working from the premise that ‘hurt people hurt people’ Happy Hearts are encouraging people to combat bullying with kindness.
“We don’t know how many children haven’t had a hug today or felt like they matter,” she said.
“In the world we currently live in, the high-stress environments and the constant uncertainty, a little kindness and a smile could change someone’s life and how we perceive the future.”
“Kindness is free but its impact is invaluable.”
The team at Happy Hearts have set a fundraising goal of $500 for the event and are encouraging their local community to come together and get involved.