C&K therapy dog Frankie says relax…and settle into Kindergarten, starring in new book

More than 330 C&K Kindergarten and childcare services across Queensland will soon be enjoying stories about the adventures of lovable therapy dog Frankie, thanks to the hard work of C&K Walkerston Community Kindergarten teacher and Director, Peta Baxter.
Ms Baxter worked with co-educator Connie Hemmens to produce a new picture book to support children and families to transition into the kindergarten year, by showcasing the rich learning experiences that happen at kindergarten in the year before school.
‘We are incredibly proud of the work that Peta and Connie have done in this space and commend them for living the C&K values by putting children first in everything they do,” C&K CEO Jane Bourne said.
The inspiration for ‘Frankie Goes to Kindergarten’ was borne from the adventures of Peta Baxter’s beloved pet Frank the Frug (a Pug cross French Bulldog) who has nuzzled his way into the hearts of all the children at C&K Walkerston Community Kindergarten where he visits two to three days a week.
“Frank is often the first thing the children look for on arrival in the mornings and is showered with love as the children enjoy dressing him up, making him beaded necklaces, drawing pictures, and writing him letters,” Ms Baxter said.
Frank wasn’t always the perfect student though – although he has always been gentle and loving, his listening skills needed some support. Thankfully when he attends kindy, he listens well, and displays “a newfound calmness around the children.”
“Frank demonstrates a beautiful intuition when it comes to children needing a bit of extra love and attention from him – it’s like he was born for it,” Ms Baxter said.
All C&K services will receive a copy of the book, which the provider hopes will spark discussions with children and their families about their own kindergarten adventures.
To learn more about the Exceeding rated Walkerston Community Kindergarten, please see here.

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