The 2019 ACAV Conference is bringing the passion back to the early learning sector
The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) Victoria is hoping to ‘spread a little sunshine’ and remind educators, approved providers, directors and nominated supervisors about what drew them to working in the sector in the first place. Something pure, something real, something wonderful – the magic of early childhood.
The twelve months since the introduction of the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) have been a bumpy ride for the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector, as it navigates the range of challenges that have arisen from such a significant change.
After such a demanding year, ECEC is ready for a boost of positive energy to improve team morale and refresh their spirits, and the ACA Victoria Excellence in ECEC Conference, with its theme ‘The Magic of Childhood’ promises to do all that, and more.
Inspiration, motivation and world class education are at the heart of what this amazing line up of speakers, exhibitors and workshops will bring, all wrapped in a little “light hearted fun”
Craig Harper, one of Australia’s leading motivational speakers, specialising in the areas of health, personal transformation, high-performance, resilience and leadership, will be one of the acclaimed keynote speakers at this event.
Craig will share insights into what it means to be a high-performer, how we can turn our goals and dreams (theoretical ‘somethings’) into actual results (real-world ‘somethings’) and the importance of paying attention to all areas of life to reach your full potential.
He’ll also run a separate workshop on the importance of developing a positive team environment – a fundamental to being able to accomplish the overall objectives and goals of the early learning service.
Mr Harper will be joined by:
- Dr Charlotte Keating – a well known passionate advocate for mental health, particularly for young people. She is uniquely placed as a result of her expertise in psychology and neuroscience to understand the needs of young people and adults and effectively communicate about them as a media personality, psychologist and researcher. Her presentation Managing anxiety across the life span at home and at work will explain why statistically women experience anxiety more often than men and what we have worried over different decades, and what you can do to manage it.
- Christina Dee, Forest School Learning Initiative (UK) – Director of Forest School Learning Initiative (FSLI) and a passionate advocate for outdoor learning, Christina will share her contagious love and dedication to outdoor learning, as well as the research backing up that passion, as she provides practical guidance and examples of settings in Australia, along with the benefits to children’s physical, social and emotional development and its impact on obesity and mental health.
- Louise Dorrat and Dr Red Ruby Scarlet – In an all singing all dancing extravaganza, well known early childhood consultants and thespians Dr Red Ruby Scarlet and Louise Dorrat will provide a show-stopping closing keynote about the National Quality Framework. Get ready for an intellectual, ironic, engaging, toe tapping, hand clapping, finger snapping interactive performance festooned with favourite tunes such as ‘QIP as easy as 123’ (composed with The Jackson 5), ‘QA1 Rhapsody’ (composed with Queen) and ‘E.Y.L.F.’ (composed with The Village People).
In addition to the key note sessions, delegates will have the opportunity to attend break-out sessions which have been split into three streams – Educational Leadership, Program & Practice and General Workshops, making it easy to cherry-pick the sessions most relevant to their needs.
Dr Red Ruby Scarlet will also be the Pedagogical Artist in Residence for the conference, giving delegates the chance to take part in creating a collaborative work of art which will be sure to inspire long after the conference ends.
With over 35 exhibitors, the conference provides a great opportunity for early learning service providers to talk directly to key suppliers in the sector and take advantage of a range of exclusive discounts offered to conference delegates.
A major event in the early learning calendar, the ACA Victoria annual conference will be held at Crown Conference Centre, Melbourne on Friday 16th & Saturday 17th August.
The complete conference program is available here.
Limited places remain, and those interested are encouraged to secure their place at the ACAVCONF19 by registering here.
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