National Family Day Care week a big success
Family Day Care Australia (FDCA) has described the recent National Family Day Care Week celebrations as an event which “continues to go from strength to strength”.
From 6-12 May 2019, family day care (FDC) educators, services, families and children from all around Australia came together to celebrate the important role FDC plays not only in their communities, but in shaping and supporting the lives, hopes and dreams of hundreds of thousands of children around the country, FDCA said.
2019 marked the seventh annual celebration, designed to showcase the diverse and unique “star qualities” of children enrolled in FDC across Australia, and the important role FDC plays in helping to foster and develop their individuality.
A variety of celebrations were held around the country with educators and services participating in:
- Mad Hatter’s tea parties
- Teddy Bear’s picnics
- Dress up days
- Morning teas
- Evenings under the stars
- Nature playgroups and more.
More than 46 celebrations were reported through various broadcast media outlets across the country, demonstrating the continued importance of National Family Day Care Week as a tool in FDCA’s public relations strategy for building awareness of the diversity and benefits of family day care as an education and care option for families.
To further enhance the celebrations, FDCA hosted two National Family Day Care Week Picnics in Western Australia. With help from Family Day Care Western Australia, picnics were held at Kwinana Adventure Park and Whiteman Park Village Playground with upwards of 300 guests in attendance.
FDCA thanked those who participated in the events, encouraging all FDCA members to continue to share their achievements and celebrations throughout the year, to aid the association in sharing positive FDC stories whenever possible.
Members of FDCA are encouraged to contact the FDCA Marketing Team at [email protected] . Alternatively, stories and content can also be shared via social media on Facebook and Instagram by tagging FDCA or by using the hashtags #myfamilydaycare or #fdcideas.
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