G8 Education one of top twenty Randstad employer brand award winners
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G8 Education one of top twenty Randstad employer brand award winners

by Freya Lucas

May 20, 2019

G8 Education, an early childhood education and care (ECEC) provider, has placed in the top twenty for the 2019 Employer Brand Award.


Each year, Randstad conducts research on a host of topics, across a number of geographic areas. Its  employer brand research dives into what people find attractive in an employer, zooming in on preferred companies, sectors and ten key attributes of employer preference, including salary, career progression and training.


Winners of the award are determined by the outcome of “the most comprehensive independent research into employer branding,” Randstad said. In Australia, the research program is based on the perceptions of over 10,000 members of the general public, designed to uncover how employers are perceived in the eyes of these job seekers and potential employees.


The views are from a representative survey pool of general public respondents (aged 18-65 years) in each of the participating countries. The winner of the award is selected from the 150 largest organisations in Australia, based on employee size.


The specially developed survey is completely independent and the resulting data is collated into three kinds of reports focusing on companies, countries, and sectors. The companies are selected through national statistics agencies and the winners are selected solely based on the appeal of their employer brand.



G8 Education came in 19th place. The full list of award winners, including QANTAS who topped the board, may be viewed here.

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