NQF and Policy Changes News - Page 52 of 116 - The Sector
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NQF and Policy Changes LATEST STORIES

IHC rule change provides exemptions for remote/very remote educators 

New qualification exemptions for In Home Care (IHC) educators working in remote and very remote areas are now in effect. 

2025-03-03 08:07:09

by Freya Lucas

Unpacking the “Worker Retention Payment” Grant guidelines - A Providers Perspective

The Department of Education has released grant guidelines for the early childhood education and care worker retention payment.

2024-10-07 09:48:10

by Jason Roberts

Victoria extends quality lead with 94% of services rated meeting or exceeding the NQS

Victoria has increased the percentage of services rated as meeting or exceeding the National Quality Standard to 94 per cent, the highest amongst all states and territories across Australia the latest NQF Snapshot shows.

2024-05-28 08:27:17

by Jason Roberts

The approved learning frameworks change in 2024 - are you ready?

The revised versions of Australia’s approved learning frameworks - the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF V2.0) and My Time, Our Place (MTOP V2.0) must be used in early childhood education and care (ECEC) services from 1 February 2024.

2023-12-19 07:57:38

by Freya Lucas

NQF annual performance report - 2023

Challenges in achieving Exceeding ratings and other key trends highlighted in 2023 NQF Annual Report

The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority has released its NQF Annual Performance Report, commenting on the state of the Australian early childhood education and care sector in 2023.

2023-12-12 15:11:49

by Jason Roberts

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