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ECEC sector responds to 2025 Budget, welcoming commitments to early learning

The early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector has responded to Tuesday’s Budget announcement, with some terming it “foundational for universal early learning and care.”

2025-03-27 08:19:59

by Freya Lucas

Sabine Winton retains ECEC portfolio in Cook Cabinet reshuffle 

The Hon Sabine Winton MLA has retained her position as Minister for Early Childhood in the newly announced WA Labor Government Cabinet. 

2025-03-21 07:45:53

by Freya Lucas

NSW Government to run parliamentary inquiry in the wake of Four Corners investigation

A parliamentary inquiry has been called into the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector in the wake of an ABC investigation which exposed what producers describe as “regulatory failures and serious safety breaches.”

2025-03-21 07:17:57

by Freya Lucas

Greens call for Royal Commission following Four Corners report 

The Australian Greens party are calling for a Royal Commission into Australia’s early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector in light of Monday night’s  Four Corners’ report which highlighted issues in the sector including instances of serious abuse, staff misconduct, and allegations of over-enrolment. 

2025-03-20 09:02:13

by Freya Lucas

Low income families will have better access to early learning through 3 day guarantee

The Three Day Guarantee legislation which recently passed through Parliament will improve access, affordability and simplicity for Australian families accessing early learning, with low income families most likely to be the primary beneficiaries, the Senate Education and Employment Committee has been told.

2025-03-11 10:55:54

by Contributed Content

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