New book aims to boost resilience in children
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New book aims to support children to develop life skills and tackle emotional dilemmas 

by Freya Lucas

March 12, 2025

A new book will be released on 1 April with the aim of taking on the life skills and emotional dilemmas ‘good enough’ children face every day, providing relatable advice on how to be resilient, brave, kind and ‘enough’.


How to be a fantastic sensational good enough kid by Alice Peel is intended for children, parents and teachers, and is based on the learnings and observations of Ms Peel, who is the co-founder of Grow Your Mind – a wellbeing program in over 500 Australian schools that helps children develop resilience, emotional regulation, and friendship skills.


With humour, research and quirky comics and pop-out illustrations by Beck Feiner, Peel presents fascinating brain facts, inspiring stories and ‘non-painful’ tips on practising a plethora of wellbeing strategies.


These include gratitude, moving your body, replacing screen time for green time and extending kindness outside your immediate circle.


“The book encourages readers to embrace imperfections, celebrate kindness, and go forth into the world ready to be a proud glimmer-seeking, awe-hunting & totally good-enough kid,” she continued.


Throughout the book the message is simple – let go of the idea of needing to be the best to be worthy. Instead, shift the focus from perfection to progress. 


According to Beyond Blue, half of all serious mental health issues begin before a child reaches 14 years of age. Ms Peel and her Grow Your Mind co-founder Kristina Freeman, believe that teaching young children about mental wellbeing early is one key way we can play a proactive role in setting up a life of enduring good mental health.


As such, Grow Your Mind is on a mission to reclaim the term mental health. Their key goal is to educate all children from an early age (ideally from four years), as well as their educators and families, about what mental health is and the skills essential for supporting it.


The book’s content, like the Grow Your Mind program, is built upon four pillars of mental health and well-being:


  • positive psychology, 
  • social and emotional learning, 
  • public health and;
  • Neuroscience


It covers facts about the brain and the way it works, helps readers understand and manage uncomfortable emotions like jealousy and explains the importance of conflict and repair in friendships. 


It provides tips on reducing stress and maintaining healthy relationships, outlines how we make decisions and why, and gives great advice on how to be brave, resilient and true to yourself.


How to be a fantastic sensational good enough kid is filled with facts, activities, tips and inspiring stories accompanied by bright illustrations and playful text that will engage children and stimulate important conversations. 


The paperback book will be released 1 April 2025, and is suitable for children 8 – 12 years of age. The book will be available through NewSouth Publishing.

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