Telstra's Connected Community Grants
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Telstra’s Connected Communities Grants may help regional ECEC to thrive

by Freya Lucas

March 05, 2025

Telstra’s Connected Communities Grant, now in its third year, is a program that makes grants of up to  $10,000 available for not-for-profit community organisations that provide access to information, technology, education and facilities to help strengthen regional communities and build digital capability.


Early childhood education and care (ECEC) services, including the pictured Coolah Preschool Kindergarten, have been grant recipients in the past, with the program a popular one in regional communities. 


In 2024 27 community groups across Australia were chosen from over 280 applicants, with nine recipients in Queensland, six in Victoria, four in WA, three in SA and NSW and two in Tasmania. 


ECEC projects successful in securing grant funding in 2024 included: 


  • $953 to purchase back-up drives for the computers of staff at Hughenden Kindergarten in Queensland
  • $10,000 for the Empowering Futures: Digital Community Engagement for Child Development Assessments project, which aims to improve organisational efficiency and data sharing to improve education services for children in the Nambucca Valley regional area.


The Telstra Connected Community Grant Program is being run in partnership with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR).  


FRRR is a not-for-profit organisation that connects common purposes and funding from government, business and philanthropy with the genuine local needs of rural people and places.


Successful applicants will have 12 months to complete the funded projects. Applicants representing not-for-profit organisations in regional, remote and rural Australia are encouraged to apply. This can include associations, charities, local councils and entities such as education and health organisations.


New applications for the 2025 grants program open on Thursday 20th February and close on Thursday 20th March.


Visit the FRRR website  to apply or for more details. Image courtesy of Mark Coulton MP. 

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