ECPPG providing financial assistance to Queensland’s future ECTs

The Early Childhood Practicum Placement Grant (ECPPG) offers financial assistance to eligible students studying an early childhood undergraduate degree or postgraduate qualification, and is available in Queensland through the Department of Education as part of the Queensland Early Childhood Workforce Strategy.
The ECPPG provides financial support to eligible students studying an ACECQA approved early childhood teaching undergraduate degree or postgraduate qualification, and is paid on completion of the final practicum (work) placement of their qualification.
Students who are studying an eligible early childhood course and who completed their final practicum placement between 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024 in a Queensland early childhood education and care (ECEC) service delivering an approved kindergarten program, can apply for a grant of up to $5,000.
Further grant rounds will be offered in 2025, 2026 and 2027.
For those who have undertaken, or who plan to undertake a practicum placement in an outer regional, remote or very remote eligible Queensland ECEC service, up to an additional $5,000 in financial support is on offer, provided the student’s home was more than two hours drive (each way) to the service where the placement was completed, calculated using the NRMA trip planner.
Grant amount for outer regional, remote or very remote placements
The grant amount for outer regional, remote or very remote placements will depend on the location of the service, and the duration of the placement.
Refer to the table below for the grant funding amounts.
Less than 15 days* | 15 days* | 20 days* | 25–35 days* | 40 plus days* | |
Outer regional | $150 per day | $2,250 | $3,000 | $3,200 | $3,400 |
Remote or very remote | $225 per day | $3,375 | $4,500 | $4,700 | $5,000 |
Eligibility criteria
Students are eligible to apply for the Early Childhood Practicum Placement Grant 2024 if:
- they are an Australian citizen or permanent resident; and
- they are a Queensland resident or reside in a location immediately bordering Queensland; and
- they are/were enrolled in an ACECQA approved early childhood teaching undergraduate degree (e.g. Bachelor) or postgraduate qualification (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Masters); and
- they completed 15 consecutive days* final practicum placement during 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024, in a Queensland early childhood education and care service that delivers an approved kindergarten program (e.g., a long day care service or sessional kindergarten service).
*Applicants that meet the above criteria who completed less than 15 consecutive days of final practicum placement may apply, however the grant will be pro-rated.
Students have until 31 March 2025 to submit a grant application via the Smart Jobs ad.
Students ARE NOT eligible to apply for this grant if they were employed in a Queensland ECEC service at the time of their final placement.
As an alternative, educators employed in a Child Care Subsidy approved ECEC service (e.g. long day care, family day care or outside school hours care) who are currently studying may be eligible for the Australian Government Paid Practicum subsidy.
Grant amounts
If you meet the eligibility criteria and your practicum placement is:
- 15 consecutive days or more, you can receive a grant of $5,000
- less than 15 consecutive days, your grant will be pro-rated at a rate of $333.33 per consecutive day.
*Placement days are to be completed consecutively.
When to apply?
Applications are to be lodged once the final practicum placement has been completed.
Students have until 31 March 2025 to submit a grant application via Smart Jobs. Early applications, submitted prior to completion of the placement, or late applications (received after 31 March 2025) for 2024 placements, will be rejected.
Grant assessment and tax implications
Applicants should allow up to six weeks to receive a decision on complete applications. Incomplete applications may take longer to process. The grant will be paid to successful applicants as a lump sum, following receipt of bank account details.
Applicants will be notified by email of the decision regarding their grant application, the sum of the grant they are eligible for, and a request to submit bank details to facilitate payment.
Applicants are asked to check their emails regularly (including junk/spam email folders) for updates and/or requests for further information.
It is recommended that applicants seek financial advice (e.g. from a tax advisor, accountant, Australian Taxation Office and/or Centrelink regarding potential implications of the grant payments to their income tax and/or benefits they may be receiving or are to be paid.
Applicants are encouraged to keep receipts for placement-related expenses.
Further questions regarding the Early Childhood Practicum Placement Grant should be made via email to [email protected]
A list of Frequently Asked Questions about the grant is available here.

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