Queensland Government gives funding boost to maximise outcomes for children in care

The Queensland Government has announced a $1500 funding boost for children and young people in the Child Safety system to provide better access to extracurricular activities including sport, art, recreation, music, and culture.
From July 1, 2025, every child and young person who is living in a care arrangement will be eligible to receive the funding, a measure which delivers on a key priority of the Government’s 100 Day Plan and forms part of the broader blueprint to drastically improve the lives of children in care.
Payments will be made in two yearly instalments – on 1 July 2025 and 1 January 2026 – with guidelines for what the payments can be used for including (but are not limited to):
- Outside school tutoring
- Activities relating to art, sport, recreation, music, culture, and citizenship
- On-country programs and camps
- Participation in clubs
- Swimming lessons, playgroups, and sensory and development classes
- Club memberships, enrolments, equipment or other resources children and young people may need to participate in activities
Other enhancements for children in care, under the $383 million Safer Children, Safer Communities plan include developing a new 24-hour dual care supervision model, delivering a 20 per cent boost to the number of child safety officers and better support for children in care.
Child Safety Minister Amanda Camm said it was a priority to provide proper care for kids in child safety, noting that “every Queensland child deserves a fair go regardless of their background.
“It may be tutoring for the new school year to maintain or improve academic grades or interests away from the classroom such as sport, dance and music classes, or clubs like scouts and girl guides, to build confidence and resilience,” the Minister said.
The full list of guidelines for extracurricular activities is available at: extra-curricular-act-guidelines.pdf

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