Green Garden turns car accident into opportunity for advocacy
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Green Garden turns car accident into opportunity for advocacy

by Freya Lucas

June 19, 2024

A recent car accident which took place near Green Garden Childcare Penrith, New South Wales has spurred leaders and educators into advocacy for the children and families in their care.


Staff are asking for a roundabout to be installed to increase safety after a recent accident saw a car flipped onto its roof at the intersection at Colless and Lethbridge Street.


“Seeing the recent accident that happened and seeing how close it actually was to us made us really alert to how it needs to change, and this isn’t the first accident that has happened,” Centre Director of Green Garden Childcare Penrith, Melanie Carter shared with local news source The Western Weekender. 


Staff at the service have also experienced the dangerous conditions posed by the intersection, staff member Olivia Bateup shared, saying “ we’ve had educators wiped out as well, not to that extent but as we’ve come out of the street we’ve been hit.” 


The recent accident compelled the pair to start a petition to try and get community support for a roundabout before taking it to Penrith Council.


“So far we have 220 people who have signed the petition that we are hoping to bring to the Council,” Ms Carter said


One of the main drivers behind the petition is the fact that the children’s outdoor play space is located next to the road, and many educators have expressed concern about having children in the yard, hearing an accident happen, and having to remove the children from any potential danger or distress. 


Penrith City Council responded to a request to comment from the paper, saying its officers will  be undertaking an investigation of the existing site condition at the intersection of Lethbridge Street and Colless Street to determine if a roundabout is warranted.


The council will also liaise with the police as part of their investigation with regards to the recent crash at the intersection.


To view the original coverage of this story please see here. The petition is available on the Green Garden facebook page. 

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