ARACY moves to represent itself in a whole new way with logo change

The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) has unveiled a new look with a brand new logo which aims to represent the organisation and all the domains in which it works.
Established in 2002, ARACY aims to see all Australian children and young people thrive, taking a holistic approach to children’s wellbeing, including all the determinants of health.
The logo is shaped like Australia, representing the land where ARACY works, and paying respect to Australia’s First Nations people, and a strong and perpetual connection to Country.
The logo also features a continuous ribbon that unites ARACY “beyond the divisions of states, seas, or silos,” symbolising the wellbeing of children. Each colour on the ribbon represents an interconnected domain of The Nest, the wellbeing framework developed by ARACY for all Australians. Each colour represents an interconnected domain of The Nest, the wellbeing framework developed by ARACY for all Australians.
“It’s at the heart of everything we do,” information from ARACY notes.
“Every twist and turn of the ribbon symbolises the tailored support our systems must provide, so all children get a fair chance to thrive.”
ARACY’s mission of “every child thriving” is placed right at the top of the logo, “elevating it above a strapline.”
The logo, ARACY said “is a symbol of hope, a promise of a brighter future where every young Australian can reach their full potential.”

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