USI added to myGov to make access easier
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USI added to myGov to make access easier

by Freya Lucas

December 29, 2023

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) has been added to myGov in a bid to support students to manage more of their government business ‘in the palm of their hand.’ 


myGov is Australia’s largest authenticated government platform, and the USI is the 16th service people can choose to link to their myGov account.


The USI is an individual education number that stays with you for life. It’s used for university, TAFE or other nationally recognised training, and more than 14.9 million Australians have one.


“People want better access to online services, and to interact with the government in a way that suits them,” Minister for Government Services the Hon. Bill Shorten MP said.


“This new service gives students another convenient way to sign into their USI account. It also means in just a few clicks they can easily access other services—such as Centrelink, Medicare or the Australian Taxation Office—to claim and manage their payments or other business, without having to sign in again.”


Minister for Skills and Training the Hon. Brendan O’Connor MP also welcomed the new addition to myGov and encouraged students to link USI to their myGov account.


“This change is a convenient way for students to sign in and connect with a range of government services,” Minister O’Connor said.


“If you’ve linked your USI account to myGov, you don’t have to log in to the USI Student Portal separately to view or share your vocational education and training (VET) transcript, or to retrieve and provide your USI number to an education or training provider.”


For more information on myGov, visit


For more information on USI, visit 

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