Utyerra Apanpe forum will bring First Nations education professionals together
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Utyerra Apanpe forum will bring First Nations education professionals together

by Freya Lucas

May 09, 2023

The Utyerra Apanpe forum is a free annual event which sees First Nations educators, professors, teachers and others who are connected with learning and teaching environments connect with one another on Country and nourish the knowl­edge sys­tems they own and share through kin­ship and cul­tur­al responsibilities.


The 2023 forum will be held from 17 to 20 July at the Ross River Resort in Central Australia, bringing together a network of First Nations people (who are the only permitted attendees) to speak about reform­ing the edu­ca­tion sys­tem, set­ting stan­dards, and sup­port­ing a for­mal work­force and net­work of First Nations edu­ca­tors across Aus­tralia.


“Uty­erre Apanpe is a vehi­cle for change in estab­lish­ing a nation­al First Nations Edu­ca­tion­al Sys­tem,”a spokesperson said. 


During the forum, participants will have space and opportunity to share First Nations ped­a­gogy, cur­ricu­lum, stan­dards, and prac­tices in their learn­ing envi­ron­ments under­pinned by cul­ture, lan­guage and Coun­try. 


Com­ing togeth­er through Uty­erre Apanpe gives expe­ri­enced edu­ca­tors from many nations a chance to to join their voic­es, vision, and sup­port for each oth­er to achieve the change they have been seek­ing for over 50 years. 


At the 2023 gathering, participants will confirm the roadmap and frame­work for a Nation­al Reform, the MK Turn­er Review.


The agenda for the four-day event will be finalised closer to the time. Accommodation at the event will be camping, and swags can be provided if needed. 


Limited covered accommodation is available, and there will be accessible amenities for all attendees. 

The event is completely free of charge, and all accom­mo­da­tion, resources, meals and bev­er­ages will be pro­vid­ed for free dur­ing the event. 


Ross Riv­er is an hour’s dri­ve from Alice Springs. Trans­port to and from Mparn­twe to Ross Riv­er is available. 


More information about this event, which is open to First Nations people only, is available here. 

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