New Building Blocks Grants help Vic kinders cover pre-construction costs
The Victorian Government has announced new planning grants, designed to boost the number of Kinder places available in the state through helping organisations with pre-construction costs.
The new Building Blocks Planning Grants program will provide support for the early childhood education sector by funding pre-construction costs associated with upcoming kindergarten infrastructure projects. Eligible organisations can apply for a one-off grant of up to $150,000 to use towards planning and preparation work costs for projects that will create more places for both three and four-year-old kindergarten.
“This new program will help kinders plan projects more easily ─ removing the financial burden of the planning process that could prevent them from upgrading or expanding their kindergartens,” Victorian Minister for Early Childhood Ingrid Stitt said.
Grants can be used towards covering costs for planning scope development, design preparation, soil investigations or construction costing works for projects that expand kindergarten capacity or maintain service continuity.
Applications for the new Building Blocks Planning Grants program are open until Sunday, 10 October. For more information about Building Blocks Grants please see here.
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