SDN applauds Labor commitment to early learning
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SDN applauds Labor commitment to early learning

by Freya Lucas

October 22, 2018

SDN Children’s services have welcomed the announcement from the Australian Labor Party (ALP) earlier this month that it would invest in a two-year program to guarantee access to subsidised preschool for around 700,000 young Australians a year.


SDN CEO Kay Turner praised the move by the ALP, saying the announcement recognises the vital importance of children having access to affordable, high-quality preschool programs for at least two days a week prior to formal schooling.


“This needs to happen regardless of whether the child attends a long day care or preschool centre and whether or not parents are working,” Ms Turner said.


SDN welcomed the opportunity to partner with colleagues across the sector, to ensure that the program was accessible to all children, regardless of whether the child attends a long day care or preschool centre and whether or not parents are working.


“With more than 1,100 children in our centres every day, we see ongoing evidence of the benefits of quality early learning. We’re very pleased that, in making this commitment, Labor is acknowledging early childhood education is an investment in Australia’s future, not a cost,” Ms Turner said.

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