Queensland government invests $2m in micro-credentials program
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Queensland government invests $2m in micro-credentials program

by Freya Lucas

March 27, 2025

The Queensland Government is delivering more skilled workers for early childhood, mining, tourism, construction and primary industries, allocating nearly $2 million for upskilling through targeted training programs.


Of most interest to the early childhood sector will be the allocation of $250,000 to approved provider Creche and Kindergarten Association (C&K) who will use the funding to train 450 early childhood educators in child safety, supervision and regulatory compliance. 


Through the Leading Regulatory Compliance in Early Childhood Education and Care project C&K will deliver the targeted training which will focus on guiding adult-child interactions, supervision for safety and learning, assessing, and managing risk, audit and accountability in everyday practice and leading a child safe culture.  


About 3000 participants across 813 enterprises will benefit from the $1.96 million in grants across a total of 10 targeted training programs, delivered by the Queensland Government as part of its commitment to securing a pipeline of skilled workers.   


The training programs will use online training modules, giving people living in regional areas access to courses, enabling them to upskill and to help address the skilled worker crisis. 


The training initiative works alongside a raft of Queensland Government projects like Skilling Queenslanders for Work and the newly announced Local Skills Solutions as part of a broad approach to delivering a Fresh Start for Queensland. 


“Micro-credentials fill the gaps with specific skills requirements not covered by existing vocational education and training,” Queensland Minister for Finance, Trade, Employment and Training The Honourable Ros Bates said. 


To see a list of approved projects, visit: micro-credentialing-program-2024-approved-projects-r3.pdf 

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