New preschool on the way at Oatlands Public
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Oatlands the next NSW community in line for fast tracked early learning facility 

by Freya Lucas

March 17, 2025

Oatlands Public School has been chosen as the site for one of 100 new public preschools, New South Wales Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car announced last week, visiting the school to share the news with those assembled. 


The preschool will be co-located at the school, and will offer early learning to up to 80 local children, local news source Parra News reports


“We are committed to improving access so that local families have access to high-quality early learning education close to home,” Ms Car said.


“To ensure we continue to deliver for families in western Sydney, we are prioritising the delivery of the Oatlands preschool to open in Term 1 2027.”


Commenting on the status of another local project, a preschool in Carter Street Lidcombe, Ms Car acknowledged the delays due to legal issues between the council and the developer saying “we know a new preschool is also needed at Lidcombe and we will continue to work hard towards delivering for this area and will continue to share information as the project progresses.” 


Oatlands was selected from the list of reserve locations selected by an independent assessment panel due to its identification as an area in need of public preschool options, a decision which was welcomed by Oatlands Public School Principal Kim Gould.


“Establishing a new preschool at Oatlands Public School is incredibly exciting,” she said.


“It’s a fantastic opportunity for the younger children in our community to learn and grow in a nurturing and engaging environment, setting a strong foundation for their future education.”


All told the new public preschools will provide up to an additional 9,000 children in NSW with access to high quality early learning by 2027.


Read the original coverage of this story here.

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