Woolworths at Work now has Menu Plan & Order feature
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Woolworths at Work now has Menu Plan & Order feature

by Freya Lucas

March 07, 2025

Woolworths at Work has launched a new feature designed to simplify and streamline meal preparation for early childhood education and care services (ECECs). 


The Menu Plan & Order feature was designed in partnership with Accredited Practising Dietitians: The Biting Truth to meet Australian Dietary Guidelines with the intention of supporting ECEC chefs and cooks to effortlessly create nutritionally balanced, budget-friendly menus for children aged between two and five years. 


Menu Plan & Order combines meal planning and food ordering into one seamless process to save ECECs valuable time. It provides recipes, product suggestions and serving calculations, whilst also navigating dietary requirements and preferences.


“ECECs have told us they want help saving time and money,” Jarad Nass, Managing Director, Woolworths At Work said. 


“They’re looking for budget-friendly meal plans that adhere to nutritional guidelines. We’ve found a way to not only marry cost with quality, but save them time by automating portion size calculations based on attendance numbers, plus simple ways to manage multiple allergies, intolerances and culturally-sensitive dietary needs.” 


“As a result we’ve created Menu Plan & Order, an integrated ordering tool with all ingredients added to the cart in one click. This tool will make the ordering process as simple as possible for childcare centres whilst helping to provide children in centres with healthy food options,” he added. 


The feature was piloted ahead of the launch with existing ECEC services customers, including Aspire Early Education & Kindergarten.


“Menu Plan & Order has been a game-changer for us. We’ve seen consistency across centres, we’re meeting nutritional guidelines, and managing to stay on budget,” Amber D’alessandro, Business Project Manager at Aspire shared.


“The children love the meals and we never have to worry about quality. It’s been super easy to use and saves us a lot of time”. 


Key features of Menu Plan & Order include:


  • Simplified Calculation Process: Users can easily adjust serving sizes based on the number of children and their specific dietary needs, ensuring accurate portioning and nutritional compliance.
  • Streamlined Ordering: The integrated ordering system allows for quick and efficient addition of ingredients to the cart and seamless checkout, saving valuable time and effort.
  • Allergen and Dietary Customization: The platform facilitates easy customization to accommodate various allergies and dietary intolerances
  • Budget Management: Helps chefs looking to balance quality, with budget-friendly options 


For more information on Menu Plan & Order visit the Woolworths at Work website here

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