Walpole Family Centre joins REED
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Walpole Family Centre the latest to join Regional Early Education and Development Inc

by Freya Lucas

March 05, 2025

The Walpole Family Centre has become the latest early childhood education and care (ECEC) service to join the Regional Early Education and Development (REED) Inc. 


The merger, which took effect on 25 February, has been enabled by a Department of Communities grant, allowing REED to expand its operations to the Great Southern, Goldfields-Esperance and South West regions of Western Australia.


Trudi Miles, the outgoing Committee Chair of the Walpole Family Centre, said the merger means that quality child care for the Walpole community has been secured into the future.


REED offers a cluster model of management to ECEC services across regional WA, working to reduce the burden on local Committees and Shires to provide these vital community services.


By merging with REED, regional services are more financially viable, costs to families remain affordable, educators are provided with ongoing industry specific professional development and support, and children receive the highest quality of care.


“A merger with REED will ensure that the Walpole service can continue to benefit the children and families of the Walpole community, under the REED banner,” REED CEO Kylie Helgesen said, outlining the upgrades the service will receive, emphasising that existing staff will be invited to join the REED team. 


There are some available positions for Walpole, and those who are interested in working with the service are invited to visit the REED Website or get in touch with REED at [email protected] or 08 6832 3825 for more information.

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