ECA CEO Samantha Page appointed to NDIA advisory board
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ECA CEO Samantha Page appointed to NDIA advisory board

by Freya Lucas

July 31, 2024

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) CEO Samantha Page has been appointed to the Children’s Expert Advisory Group (Advisory Group) which will work with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to co-design improvements to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for children and their families, including those arising from NDIS Review recommendations accepted by the Government.


Ms Page joins Gretchen Young (SNAICC – National Voice for our Children) and Morgan Fitzpatrick (Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention Network) along with a range of representatives from the NDIS, service providers, advocacy organisations, allied health fields, and tertiary bodies in the group, which was announced by Minister for NDIS, the Hon. Bill Shorten MP last week. 


The full list of Advisory Group members is as follows: 


  • Sylvana Mahmic – NDIS Independent Advisory Council
  • Skye Kakoschke-Moore – Children and Young People with Disability Australia
  • Yvonne Keane – Reimagine
  • Samantha Page – Early Childhood Australia
  • Gretchen Young – SNAICC National Voice for Our Children
  • Jenny Karavolos – Australian Autism Alliance
  • Morgan Fitpatrick – Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention Network
  • Professor Sharon Goldfeld – Centre for Community Child Health
  • Dr Tim Moore – Centre for Community Child Health
  • Professor Valsamma Eapen – University of NSW
  • Sebastian Langdon-Macmillan – Member Youth Steering Committee
  • Ellen Gould – NDIS Independent Advisory Council Reference Group Member


The NDIS Review identified several improvements to the NDIS so that children with disability and developmental delay get the support they need, which Minister Shorten hopes the Advisory Group will be able to progress. 


Some of these recommendations included making sure families can access supports that are best practice, that there is support to access the NDIS when it is needed, and the NDIS and other systems like education work better together.


“We know that early childhood supports are critical to kids getting the right start in life and the NDIS Review told us that we need a much more holistic and connected system of support,’’ Minister Shorten said.


“It’s fantastic to have a group of people with such diverse and relevant experience on board to help shape changes to NDIA policy, practice and process and make sure our kids are flourishing.”


The Advisory Group’s work will align with the Agency’s broader approach to engagement and co-design, and will:


  • Provide targeted, expert advice to the NDIA on specific strategies to deliver improved experiences across the participant pathway for children, their families and carers.
  • Provide targeted, expert advice to support engagement and co-design of NDIS improvements for children, their families and carers.
  • Assist the NDIA to provide clear and consistent communications to children, their families and carers about the NDIS.


The NDIA will also seek feedback from other stakeholders, including importantly direct participant experience. The Advisory Group will help the Agency to have the best possible approach to co-design with children and their families.


Learn more about the work of the Advisory Group here

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