G8 Education joins Supply Nation
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G8 Education joins Supply Nation to reinforce commitment to First Nations communities

by Freya Lucas

July 18, 2024

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) provider G8 Education has announced its membership with Supply Nation, Australia’s leader in supplier diversity, maintaining the largest database of verified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.


By joining Supply Nation G8 Education hopes to promote greater economic empowerment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities and to aid in the movement towards Closing the Gap.


“By ensuring our procurement decisions include Indigenous businesses, we contribute to greater economic empowerment for First Nation Australians,” G8’s Chief Education and Learning Officer Alison Evans said, highlighting the membership with Supply Nation as a significant step towards enhancing G8 Education’s vision for Reconciliation.


Joining Supply Nation will also move G8 closer to setting internal Indigenous (sic.) procurement targets, and builds on previous efforts which have included developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) with Reconciliation Australia, and increasing Indigenous employment through its programs.


“We are delighted to welcome G8 Education as a member of Supply Nation and look forward to working with them to develop their supplier diversity footprint,” Supply Nation Chief Executive Officer Kate Russell said.


For more information about Supply Nation, visit supplynation.org.au 

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