Double Exceeding results for Sanctuary Early Learning Adventure
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Sanctuary Early Learning Adventure celebrates double Exceeding rating

by Freya Lucas

July 12, 2024

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) provider Sanctuary Early Learning Adventure is celebrating with two of its services – Maudsland and Buderim – having recently been recognised as Exceeding the National Quality Standard. 


For approved provider Lauren Hall, the news is welcome, but unsurprising, given the high standard of education and care on offer across the network. 


“We are incredibly proud of our teams at Maudsland and Buderim,” she said, describing the rating as being “a testament to the dedication, collaboration, and unwavering commitment,” shown by the teams at each service. 


“For us,” she continued, “the journey to receiving an Exceeding rating was simply a representation of the passion, teamwork and shared vision of excellence our teams all strive for.” 


Sanctuary Maudsland was named as Exceeding in Quality Areas 3, 4, 6 and 7, an outcome which Centre Director Fiona Morgan is incredibly proud of, and one which she believes honours the continuous work her team puts in to every day to provide high-quality education and care for the children in their care.


“I couldn’t be more proud of the team for being recognised across all quality areas but in particular the ones we received exceeding for,” Ms Morgan said.


Fellow service Sanctuary Buderim waa named as Exceeding in Quality Areas 1,4, 5 and 7, a result which Centre Director Belinda Hammond said left the team “absolutely buzzing with happiness.”


“Assessment and rating (A&R) was an opportunity for the team to showcase how they authentically connect with our philosophy, and we are just so proud of everyone,” Mrs Hammond said.


To learn more about Sanctuary Early Learning please see here. More information about the Exceeding rating is available here

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