JAG again partners with The Smith Family for The Dream Run
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JAG again partners with The Smith Family for The Dream Run

by Freya Lucas

June 13, 2024

Outside school hours care (OSHC) provider Junior Adventures Group (JAG) is again partnering with educational charity The Smith Family to support The Dream Run, a month-long national fundraiser to support children facing disadvantage.


Children and educators at over 400 JAG services across Australia will participate in the event by committing to traveling up to 150 km in June, with the hope of outdoing last year’s generous fundraising total of $43,000. 


To help teams to reach this goal JAG has committed to matching the funds raised by its in service teams.


Children attending JAG services will spend time in June learning more about fitness and connection to community through a variety of activities and fundraisers including bake sales, arts and crafts events, and carnival activities. 


On 19 June all services across four states and in the ACT will join a national ‘Bubble Fun Run’, which will see an expected 20,000 children participate. This will be just one of a number of activities contributing to fundraisers’ step count throughout the month.


All funds raised through The Dream Run will go towards The Smith Family’s flagship ‘Learning for Life’ program that provides in-need students with vital financial, personal and practical support through their school years. 


Last year’s donation from JAG went towards sponsoring the education of 150 children for a full year, something JAG CEO Melinda Crole said was a point of pride for the group. 


“We are proud to support The Smith Family, which is an incredible charity at the forefront of supporting children facing hardship throughout their school years and providing them with the  opportunity to change their future for the better,” she said. 


“Our partnership is one based on a shared belief in using the power of education to help break the cycle of disadvantage in Australia and we are proud to support them. We believe our support can help more children build their skills, grow their confidence, and develop the connections they need to complete their schooling and fulfill their potential.”


June, she continued, is a truly magical time for children in JAG services. 


“A core objective of our OSHC program is to help foster a new generation of socially conscious global citizens,” she said. 


“Participating in the Dream Run will not just be fun. It will be an important educational experience that will inspire children to take action to improve the lives of peers who are less fortunate.”


Learn more about The Dream Run here. For information about the work of The Smith Family, see here.

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