ECEC updates from annual report on Closing the Gap
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ECEC updates from Annual Report and Implementation Plan on Closing the Gap

by Freya Lucas

March 01, 2024

A number of updates relevant to the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector were contained in the Annual Report and Implementation Plan which outlines the strategic priorities for Closing the Gap over the next year. 


The report notes several commitments made by the Commonwealth to help improve access to, and equity in, the ECEC sector, including: 


  • early Childhood Care and Development Policy Partnership – $10.2 million over three years 
  • expand the Community Child Care Fund Restricted program to establish services in mainly remote locations – $29.9 million 
  • expand the Connected Beginnings program to 50 sites nationally by 2025 – $81.8 million 
  • support On-Country Learning as part of the Better, Safer Future for Central Australia plan – $40.4 million over two years 
  • First Nations Languages Education Program – $14.1 million over four years 
  • support high quality and culturally appropriate education for First Nations boys and girls in remote areas ($9.34 million) and to expand junior ranger activities to 25 additional sites – $24.24 million. 


The 2024 Implementation Plan sets out a number of key actions in 2024 that will be achieved through partnerships with First Nations stakeholders to ensure First Nations children and students can access culturally safe and high-quality education and care. 


These include developing formal partnerships between the Commonwealth and peak First Nations education bodies, finalising and aligning the Early Years Strategy with commitments made under Closing the Gap and amplifying the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Strategy.  


ECEC services may wish to use the Closing the Gap report and the implementation plan to guide their own Reconciliation Action Plan goals, or to use the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Strategy in collaboration with partnering and learning from existing Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, to ensure that their work is culturally aware and promotes equity for First Nations children.  


Access the Closing the Gap Annual Report and Implementation Plan here


For guidance and support in developing a Reconciliation Action Plan, or for a range of other resources to support ECEC services, please visit the Narragunnawali website


Information for this story was first shared by ELAA. Click here to subscribe to ELAA’s newsletter

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