AITSL launches 2024 For You campaign
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AITSL launches For You campaign to welcome in new academic year

by Freya Lucas

February 29, 2024

The Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) has launched the 2024 For You campaign to welcome new and existing teachers, early childhood teachers, school leaders and principals to the new year.


The campaign includes a range of curated evidence-based resources to help education professionals to achieve their professional development goals and to feel more supported and confident in their careers. 


The resources can be filtered by category to support teachers, pre-service teachers, beginning teachers, early childhood teachers and current and aspiring leaders to find the tools they need.


2024 For You resources include: 


  • toolkits
  • reports
  • factsheets and guides
  • videos
  • reflection tools
  • online modules
  • workbooks
  • social media groups.


Access the 2024 For You curated list here.

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