Eugowra Community Childcare to have new home
The Sector > Economics > Property > Eugowra Community Childcare Centre’s future secured with capital works funding

Eugowra Community Childcare Centre’s future secured with capital works funding

by Freya Lucas

February 20, 2024

Eugowra Community Childcare Centre, a community based early childhood service in the Central West of New South Wales was strongly impacted in the 2022 flooding events has had its permanent future secured with the NSW Government announcing capital works funding.


Currently operating from temporary facilities at the Eugowra Showground, the service will be rebuilt using a Capital Works Grant.


The Capital Works Grants Program is part of the NSW Government’s commitment to ensure that all children in NSW can access quality early education in the year before school, regardless of their family’s postcode, income or circumstances.


As well as Eugowra, a number of other early childhood providers will benefit from the NSW Government’s $17 million investment in early education capital works.


Under this funding hundreds of families across Regional NSW and south west Sydney are set to benefit as the government prioritises investment to meet growing demand for early childhood services in areas of greatest need.


All early childhood providers set to benefit from this funding:


  • Eugowra Community Childcare Centre Incorporated
  • Lightning Ridge Preschool Centre Inc
  • Cowra Early Childhood Services Co-operative Ltd
  • Bangalow Community Children’s Centre
  • Cullunghutti Aboriginal Child and Family Centre Aboriginal Corporation, Nowra
  • Yalbillinga Boori Day Care Centre Aboriginal Corp, Cowra
  • Hamilton Child Care Centre Inc, Hamilton
  • Integricare, Sadleir


“Equitable access to quality early childhood education and care is important for young families, whether they live in regional NSW or South West Sydney,” Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said.


“Ensuring access to early education is key to supporting Eugowra families as the community recovers from disaster”


Ms Car acknowledged the work of local member Phil Donato in advocating for support for his community.


“I am glad that the government is now guaranteeing the funds for a permanent preschool and the community can now work towards building back better from the devastating 2022 floods,” Mr Donato said.


“The community deserves full credit in helping push for this funding to ensure families in Eugowra will not miss out on crucial early learning.”

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