The approved learning frameworks change in 2024 – are you ready?

The revised versions of Australia’s approved learning frameworks – the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF V2.0) and My Time, Our Place (MTOP V2.0) must be used in early childhood education and care (ECEC) services from 1 February 2024.
Released in early 2023, to allow services and approved providers to become familiar with the revised frameworks, the V2.0 editions of the frameworks must be used from 1 February 2024.
In the piece below we explore four of the key changes outlined in the revised versions.
Key updates to the EYLF V2.0 and MTOP V2.0 include:
- Strengthening Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives throughout the frameworks including the vision, principles, practices and outcomes
- Strengthening the link between the vision and planning cycle
- Strengthening the principle of ongoing learning and reflective practice
- Introducing a new principle promoting collaborative leadership
- Introducing a new sustainability principle
- Strengthening the principle of high expectations and equity
- Updating the principle of secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships to include relational pedagogy
- Strengthening partnerships to include other professionals
- Clarifying the meaning of holistic approaches
- Strengthening the connection between play-based learning and intentionality
- Replacing cultural competence with cultural responsiveness
- Aligning assessment and evaluation for learning development and wellbeing Expanding and strengthening guidance to support the Learning Outcomes
Underpinning vision
One core change to the revised framework is the addition of Vision to the list of elements which educators must use when planning for children’s learning.
The vision for children’s learning discussed in the Frameworks is that “All children engage in learning that promotes confident and creative individuals and successful lifelong learners. All children are active and informed members of their communities with knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives.”
Specifically, the EYLF V2.0 states:
Working in partnership with children and families, and communities, teachers in schools, and other professionals, educators use the Vision, Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes to guide their planning for children’s learning, development and wellbeing.
Page 10 of the new Framework shows a diagram of the updated principles, practices and learning outcomes that centre on children’s learning, development and wellbeing, and shows the integrated connections of the Vision, Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes.
Partnerships with other professionals
Another important aspect of the changes in the revised learning frameworks is the expansion of the partnerships that ECEC services have with other educational institutions and child and family professionals.
Through the revision ECEC services have been encouraged to develop trauma-informed practice by recognising the importance of partnerships with professionals external from the sector, and to create culturally safe spaces when working with diverse families and children to strengthen partnerships.
When interpreting children’s learning educators are encouraged to draw on their knowledge and the expertise of the children, families, communities and other professionals they work with, to interpret their collection of information.
More broadly, the revised frameworks have been designed to inspire conversations, improve communication and provide a common language about children’s learning among children themselves, their families, the broader community, educators, teachers in schools and other professionals including those who work in child and family services, higher education and training organisations.
Collaborative leadership
The new frameworks recognise that the quality of educational programs and practices depends on collaborative leadership and teamwork of all educators. It emphasises effective leadership and its links to outcomes for children, and this has been encapsulated in the development of a new principle.
The Collaborative leadership and teamwork principle acknowledges that all educators exercise aspects of leadership in their daily work with children, families and colleagues.
Collaborative leadership and teamwork are built on a sense of shared responsibility and professional accountability for children’s learning, development and wellbeing. It is a view of leadership that empowers all members of the team to use their professional knowledge and skills in ways that assist everyone to do the best they can for children, families and colleagues in their setting.
Collaborative leadership and teamwork are considered to be aspects of a positive work culture where a motivation to enact a professional philosophy of cooperation and collaboration enables positive relationships to grow, and that collaborative leadership and teamwork are built on professional and respectful conversations about practice.
A new principle related to sustainability has been introduced in the revised frameworks, which recognsised that sustainability centres on three interconnected dimensions: environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
The new principle recognises children’s active role as informed citizens and their personal interest in a fair and sustainable world, and calls on educators to provide opportunities for children to learn about all the interconnected dimensions of sustainability, understanding that sustainability goes beyond learning in nature and being involved in nature conservation.
Children are supported to appreciate that sustainability embraces social and economic sustainability – as well as environmental sustainability – and to engage with concepts of social justice, fairness, sharing, democracy and citizenship.
The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has issued a range of resources to help educators and approved providers to understand the changes, which may be accessed here.

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