VEYLDF to be revised: Sector input needed
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VEYLDF to be revised – input needed from ECEC sector and beyond

by Freya Lucas

December 14, 2023

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) revision work is well underway, and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is seeking input from the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector to progress it. 


The VEYLDF Revision will maintain Victoria’s distinctive focus on play-based learning up to the age of 8 years old, and the continuity of learning between early childhood services and schools, and will support all Victorian early childhood professionals in their work with children and families, especially in light of the significant reforms in the sector.


The revision aims to enhance the existing content of the VEYLDF and make sure that it continues to reflect current research and best practice.


The VCAA, in partnership with the Victorian Department of Education and stakeholders, is leading the revision work and invites early childhood professionals to contribute their ideas.


An online focus group will run throughout Term 1 2024 to allow members of the sector to have their say and inform the revision work. 


If you would like to participate in one of the VCAA’s online focus groups running in Term 1, 2024, please register your interest here before Friday 15 December 2023. This is an opportunity that is available to you, and it is completely voluntary.


The VCAA are also calling for participation of professionals working with children from birth to three years of age, and Foundation to Grade 2 teachers, so please share this opportunity with your colleagues.


Where your participation is supported by staffing backfill, services can apply for backfill payment contribution by email: [email protected] 


For more information, refer to the VEYLDF Revision and be sure to sign up for the VCAA Early Years Alert.

For further enquiries, contact the Early Years Unit at VCAA by email: [email protected] 

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