Tasmania announces more Fee-Free TAFE places
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Tasmania announces more Fee-Free TAFE places

by Freya Lucas

November 21, 2023

A further 4,600 Fee-Free TAFE places will be available in Tasmania from January 2024, including the Certificate III of Children’s Services. 


The additional places will be made available from January 2024, and have been made possible through $8.9 million in Commonwealth funding, as the government’s partner-up to address skills shortages.


Fee-Free TAFE supports training in areas of high demand, provides access to priority cohorts including the most vulnerable and helps students by removing financial barriers to study. The program has had enormous success in previous rounds, with the care sector including early childhood education and care especially popular. 


In previous Fee-Free TAFE rounds, the care sector attracted over 900 enrolments. 


Students in a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care in Tasmania under Fee-Free TAFE could save around $2,470.


“You don’t need to go to university to have a great career, and I encourage Tasmanians who want a new qualification to look into studying at Tas TAFE in 2024,” said Tasmanian Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth Felix Ellis. 

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