29-year-old Queensland early childhood professional charged with child-related offenses

Before continuing to read this piece, readers should be aware that the content of this article may prove distressing, and should consider their own circumstances before continuing to engage with the piece. A list of support services has been provided at the conclusion of the article.
A 29-year-old Queensland-based early childhood education and care (ECEC) professional has been charged with offenses against children, including rape and creating child sexual abuse material, following a complaint raised by the service where he was employed.
The alleged offender faced court over the weekend, and was refused bail, being ordered to reappear in court next month to address the charges, which include one count of rape and one count of indecent treatment towards a child under the age of 16 years, two charges of possessing child exploitation material, and another of creating such material featuring the involvement of a child.
Ahead of the man’s appearance in court, the service where the man worked prior to the allegations being made and him being dismissed, emailed parents to advise of the impending case, acknowledging that the news “will be distressing for families”.
The email, which was viewed by AAP journalists, said the service was committed to being open and honest, and keeping families informed of developments in the situation.
The man’s arrest came after a formal complaint early last week, which led to a police investigation.
“The employee was stood down on the day of the complaint and their employment was terminated on Thursday,” the email said.
It said the centre had already contacted a small number of families involved with the centre and confirmed the man had worked with older children.
“We are all shocked and distressed by this news,” it read.
No further details are available at the time of print, however The Sector will continue to monitor sources for relevant updates. Local coverage of this story may be found here.
Visit the ACCCE website – www.accce.gov.au – for a full list of available support services with contact details.

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