CEL appoints Wellbeing Coordinator thanks to funding from the Inger Rice Foundation
Cire Early Learning (CEL) has appointed a part-time Wellbeing Coordinator, thanks to funding support from the Inger Rice Foundation for the pilot initiative which has made a tremendous difference to children and their families.
The Inger Rice Foundation was established in 1972 by Mrs. Inger Rice AM, who was inspired to create the Foundation by the care her child received from the Canberra Mothercraft Society following the birth of her son.
The Foundation provides funding to Australian charities and not-for-profit organisations whose programs support the development of relationships between parents or carers and their children from birth to primary school age.
In 2015 Inger Rice received an Honorary Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of her contribution to the welfare of Australian families through the work of the Inger Rice Foundation.
CEL decided to create the position having become increasingly aware of the need for a wellbeing educator to offer readily accessible support to children, educators and families to address some of the challenges being experienced post COVID-19.
Big behaviours in children have increased since the pandemic, CEL Executive Director Diletta Lanciana said, and CEL believes a holistic approach will help maximise the delivery of better outcomes for children and their families and communities.
Providing early support to minimise the risk of other issues and disengagement from the educational journey impacting children, CEL believes, is important, and will ultimately optimise their overall health and wellbeing.
“COVID babies are experiencing difficulty with playing with their peers and socially connecting with each other,” Ms Lanciana said.
“This has been particularly evident in our toddler, pre-kinder and kinder rooms and has also been reported sector-wide through the many partnerships and networks in which we are involved”.
The Inger Rice Foundation funding has allowed CEL to appoint Wellbeing Coordinator Amanda Ball who is based at Mount Evelyn, one day a week. Ms Ball has been supporting families, children, and staff and providing referrals to external agencies where needed.
Ms Lanciana thanked the Foundation for its commitment to strengthening families and communities, as well as providing young children with early interventions where needed and minimising the risk of future problems and disengagement from their learning and social connection.
Learn more about Cire Early Learning programs and initiatives here. Information about the Inger Rice Foundation is available here.