Safe Work Month – how is it acknowledged in ECEC services?
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Safe Work Month – how is it acknowledged in ECEC services?

by Freya Lucas

October 05, 2023

October is National Safe Work Month, offering early childhood education and care (ECEC) services an opportunity to recommit to building a safe and healthy workplace.


Being healthy and safe at work means being free from physical and psychological harm. The primary objective of National Safe Work Month is to encourage all individuals and organisations to prioritise safety in their workplaces and work towards reducing the number of work-related injuries, illnesses and fatalities. 


In 2023, the theme of National Safe Work Month is ‘for everyone’s safety, work safely’, a theme which highlights the various ways individuals and organisations can work together to protect workers’ mental and physical health by eliminating and managing risks at work, and ensuring all workers are supported in a safe and healthy workplace. 


The month is divided into four weekly sub themes, with resources and guides for each: 



For the Affinity Education Group, National Work Safe Month is an opportunity to reflect on the work health and safety processes and practices which are embedded in daily operations. 


“Our workplaces happen to involve over 20,000 children and their families so, we take a more holistic approach to safety during Safe Work Month to promote children’s health and safety,” information on Affinity’s website notes. 


“We conduct weekly meetings, professional development opportunities and regular safety drills – safe practices are embedded in all our processes and procedures.”


There are a number of ways in which the organisation supports its employees to be safe at work throughout the year, including: 


  • Ongoing resources and guidance   
  • Internal policies, processes and procedures to mitigate risk  
  • Induction and regular training opportunities  
  • Holistic auditing of our procedures and how they are implemented  
  • Mental health support and guidance 24/7 through TELUS Health


To acknowledge National Work Safe Month, Affinity’s Compliance and Safety Team have developed a program for October, focusing on four main safety pillars.   


Week one concentrates on child health and safety, focusing on effective supervision, safe sleep practices, transition practices and children’s food safety needs.   


Week two focuses on the educator, from well-being, inductions and training to identifying hazards and risks for employee safety.   


Week three looks at the service environment, including risk assessment and environmental checks, severe weather event processes and sun protection.  


Finally, week four is safety for all. This week will see reviews of emergency and medical procedures, refresher training for educators and managers, and time to reflect on the current working environment and interactions.  


To access guidance, support and resources to participate in National Work Safe Month, please see here. 

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