Water hero program boosts sustainable behaviour
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Water Hero program helps Geelong kinders to help children learn to be water wise

by Freya Lucas

October 03, 2023

A new initiative from Barwon Water is supporting kindergarten services in Geelong and surrounding Victorian communities to learn more about the value of water, and their role in caring for this natural resource. 


The Water Hero program provides resource packs to kindergartens and early education centres to help educators talk with children about the value of water,  and to learn more about water cycles and their role in caring for water. 


“Drinking water throughout the day, turning off the tap and taking a shorter shower are the things that our youngest Water Heroes embrace,” said Barwon Water Customers, Community and Strategy general manager Laura Kendall.


“As we prepare for a long-term shift towards a hotter, drier climate, we rely on all our water heroes, big and small,” she told local media source Geelong Independent.


Barwon Water hopes that by encouraging children to be proactive with their water habits in their learning environments, there will be a ripple effect with habits being shared and used at home.


Participating children in the program receive a pack with an activity book, water hero cape, badge, and poster as part of the program.


The capes are a big hit with the children, and help them to “get into character” as water heroes.


More than 2,300 children have engaged in the Water Hero program since it started in 2021, with over 100 kindergartens and early learning centres participating.


For more information on the program, contact Barwon Water Education Officer Fernando Garcia at 1300 656 007 or Education@barwonwater.vic.gov.au

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