ECEC Provider in Focus: New Horizons Preschool

New Horizons Preschool is a provider with two Exceeding-rated services in Tasmania, providing education and care with a focus on creating democratic spaces for belonging, participation, collaboration and children coming together with active rights in line with the Reggio Emilia philosophy.
The history of New Horizons Preschool
New Horizons Preschool was established in 2004 by Executive Director and Founder Norma Panagakos, who has over 25 years’ experience working in the early childhood education and care sector in Tasmania, and collaborating with children and families.
When the preschool began, it was a small home-based service operating three mornings per week. In 2006, Ms Panagakos opened the Lenah Valley campus to create a preschool setting centred on a strong ‘image of child’, relationships, collaborative approaches, active participation, and The Hundred Languages of children.
Ms Panagakos was part of the Australian contingent on the Reggio Emilia International Study Tour in 2016, where she drew further inspiration to open the Battery Point Campus in 2017, ultimately achieving her vision to create an innovative and progressive preschool inspired by the Reggio Emilia Educational Project.
At the end of the 2021 school year, Ms Panagakos had the pleasure of announcing that Lou Kirkwood would take on her leadership role as Principal, with overall responsibility for the daily operation of New Horizons, with Ms Panagakos continuing to provide leadership in relation to the preschool’s philosophy, teaching and learning.
At the end of the 2022 school year, Ms Panagakos announced to her staff team that she would further pair back her administrative function within the preschool’s organisation and operations.
In February 2023, she was delighted to announce that Kristy Sumpton would take on the responsibilities of Family Liaison Officer, to support all families within the broader preschool community with enrolment and administrative enquiries, as well as tours of the preschools.
What is the New Horizons Preschool vision and approach to learning?
New Horizons Preschool is a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool that draws on ‘inquiry’ approaches and the Australian Early Years Learning Framework.
Every year, inquiry journeys are different and reflect the interests of each particular class of children.
Projects can arise from the interests of the group or classroom community including educators and families. As these interests emerge, educators provide provocations for exploration using multiple languages. Projects may last for days, months or even a year. When children are actively engaged in the process the learning is more meaningful and authentic. Educators provide practical opportunities to examine concepts, make connections, problem solve and go deeper with their learning.
The role of the educator is to co-research alongside and to listen to the children’s voices. As the educators observe, document and reflect on the theories and interests of the children they are able to work collaboratively to examine the many possible pathways of an inquiry. Educators focus on the process of learning valuing experimentation and exploration rather than focusing on a final outcome or product.
Are there any unique aspects to the New Horizons Preschool offer?
The Reggio Emilia Approach (also known as the Reggio Emilia Educational Project) is, in and of itself, an innovative approach to early childhood education and care.
The central tenant of the approach is that it values the child as strong, capable, resilient and rich in wonder and knowledge. Every child brings with them an innate curiosity, creativity, and a deep potential to understand the world and their place in it.
This approach is not a method or a pre-defined curriculum. In Australia, each school or community responds in its own particular way, based on the needs and interests of those children within that community.
Read more at the Reggio Emilia Australia Information Exchange.
To learn more about New Horizons Preschool, please visit the website.