New information packages from Federal Government to support children with disability

New information packages are now available to help the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector ensure their services are accessible to children with disabilities.
Each of the two packages were developed by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) in consultation with the disability and early childhood education and care sectors and build on resources released last year, helping people with a disability access education and training on the same basis as their peers.
The Team Meeting Package will help employers understand their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the Act), ensuring staff know about making reasonable adjustments so children with disability are included in ECEC.
The Recruitment Package will guide and support employers in recruiting, interviewing and inducting new employees to help them meet their obligations under the Act.
The new packages build on resources released last year, helping people with a disability access education and training on the same basis as their peers.
Both sets of documents were developed in response to recommendations from the 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
The information packages, which can be found on the ACECQA website, have been made available against the backdrop of the recent announcement that the Federal Government will provide an additional $21.2 million for the Inclusion Support Program.
There are additional resources, launched last year, which can be found on the Department of Education website and which compliment the program.
“Access to quality early childhood education and care is critical to supporting children’s development and future successes, particularly so for children with disability,” said Minister for Early Childhood Education and Youth Dr Anne Aly.
“Participating in early education on the same basis as their peers helps children with disability to thrive not only in their early years but throughout life”
“These resources will help early childhood educators and service managers understand their obligations, ensuring the delivery of inclusive early learning.”

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